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Latin script
- [xal] L. (A.)
- [lor] L’Orange (H.)
- [dlb] la Brosse (P.)
- [laa] Laars (T.)
- [lab] Labi (K.)
- [lch] Lachmann (M.)
- [lcq] Lachouque (H.)
- [del] lacrétaz (P.)
- [ldn] Ladner (G.)
- [lag] Lager (C.)
- [lqv] Lagerqvist (L.)
- [ljj] Lahu (H.)
- [lai] Laing (R.)
- [lpl] Lairón (A.)
- [lbt] Laitenberger (B.)
- [ljj] Lajo (J.)
- [lak] Lakier (A.)
- [llk] Lalik (T.)
- [lam] Lambert (A.)
- [lmg] Lambregts (S.)
- [lpe] Lampe (W.)
- [lpq] Lamprecht (F.)
- [lbj] Landmark (B.)
- [lnd] Landon (P.)
- [lbc] Lange (B.)
- [lng] Lange (E. H.)
- [lae] Lange (E. L.)
- [lnm] Lange (M.)
- [lan] Lange (S.)
- [lgm] Langham (T.)
- [lgh] Langhans (F.)
- [lgy] Langley (H.)
- [lgl] Langlo (E.)
- [lqr] Lanquar (R.)
- [lnz] Lantz (G.)
- [lnt] Lantz (P.)
- [lps] Lapins (L.)
- [lar] Lara (A.)
- [eek] Larsen (E.)
- [lrm] Larson (M.)
- [lsv] Lašovski (E.)
- [lsw] Lasswell (H.)
- [lsz] Lászloczky (L.)
- [las] Laszovski (E.)
- [lat] Latouche (D.)
- [lub] Laube (G.)
- [lbs] Laubscher (H.)
- [lkr] Lauker (M.)
- [lnk] Laun (K.)
- [lrd] Lauridsen (J.)
- [lri] Laurie (R.)
- [lau] Laurla (K.)
- [lfz] Lauß (F.)
- [lav] Lavoyer (J.)
- [lvr] Lavrenov (V.)
- [lwa] Lawrence (E.)
- [lwd] Lawson (D.)
- [law] Lawson (E.)
- [lax] Laxness (E.)
- [lbh] Le Bohec (Y.)
- [leg] Le Gras (A.)
- [lef] Leaf (W.)
- [lea] Leary (K.)
- [lbd] Lebedinshkiĭ (Â.)
- [lbd] Lẹbẹdinskịĭ (Â.)
- [lbd] Lebedynsky (Ya.)
- [leb] Leblic (V.)
- [lcn] Lechner (K.)
- [lcr] Leclair (L.)
- [ldm] Lederman (D.)
- [lwk] Ledóchowski (K.)
- [lsq] Lee (G.)
- [ljm] Lee (J.)
- [lmi] Leek (M.)
- [lem] Leemans (E.)
- [lee] Leeuwen (D.)
- [tij] Leeuwen (T.)
- [lmh] Lehmann-Hartleben (K.)
- [lhe] Lehne (H.)
- [lhn] Lehner (H.)
- [leh] Lehnert (J.)
- [lhu] Lehuenen (J.)
- [lei] Leib (J.)
- [lek] Leisering (E.)
- [lli] LeLievre (R.)
- [lmn] Lemonofides (D.)
- [lms] Lems
- [len] Lenk (T.)
- [lmb] Lenman (B.)
- [lnh] Leonhard (W.)
- [lpp] Lepper (F.)
- [ler] Leren (G.)
- [lho] Lernet-Holenia (A.)
- [lsr] Leser (N.)
- [lsl] Leslie (N.)
- [lsa] Lessa (F.)
- [lgg] Leutenegger (M.)
- [lev] Lever (B.)
- [lvq] Lévesque (E.)
- [ltt] Levitt (C.)
- [lwp] Lewenhaupt (A.)
- [lew] Lewis (B.)
- [lws] Lewis (S.)
- [lex] Lexow (E.)
- [ley] Leypold (F.)
- [lez] Lezius (M.)
- [ryk] Liánghuá Z.
- [lib] Libchaber (A.)
- [lti] Liberati (A.)
- [lwg] Lichtenwanger (W.)
- [lbk] Liebke (A.)
- [lli] Lievre (R.)
- [lit] Liljeström (L.)
- [lil] Lillich (M.)
- [lim] Lima (J.)
- [lnr] Linarès
- [lij] Lind (J.)
- [lik] Lind (K.)
- [ldr] Lindauer (M.)
- [lbl] Lindblad (C.)
- [lbo] Lindboe (A.)
- [lga] Lindegaard (O.)
- [lbm] Lindenbaum (S.)
- [lin] Linder (E.)
- [lud] Lindgren (U.)
- [ldo] Lindøe (K.)
- [lqu] Lindquist (R.)
- [ltr] Lindstrom (R.)
- [lic] Lingren (C.)
- [lkj] Link (J.)
- [lno] Lino (M.)
- [lio] Linortner (E.)
- [lip] Lipkin (R.)
- [lir] Liris (É.)
- [liv] Lišcák (V.)
- [lsc] Lisch (G.)
- [lsk] Lisenko (S.)
- [lsm] Lisenkov (M.)
- [lxk] Liška (K.)
- [dli] lisle (G.)
- [lis] Lisón (L.)
- [liw] Lisowski (W.)
- [lmk] Liss (M.)
- [lda] Lister (D.)
- [lst] Liston (J.)
- [lth] Lithberg (N.)
- [rha] Little (J.)
- [ltj] Littlejohn (D.)
- [liu] Liungman (C.)
- [lvs] Livesay (J.)
- [lzz] Lizarza (F.)
- [lju] Ljubović (E.)
- [mch] lm
- [loa] Loades (D.)
- [loe] Løberg (L.)
- [lob] Lobligeois (M.)
- [lod] Lodenius (A.)
- [lfb] Loeffelbein (R.)
- [lsb] Loesener (В.)
- [lwt] Loewenstein (J.)
- [lff] Løffler (E.)
- [lov] Löfgren (O.)
- [lof] Lofmark (C.)
- [lgn] Logan (A.)
- [log] Logan (N.)
- [loh] Loh (C.)
- [lhr] Löhr (K.)
- [lkn] Løken (K.)
- [lol] Lola (B.)
- [lom] Lomancov (V.)
- [lom] Lomantsov (V.)
- [lmj] Lombana (L.)
- [lbr] Lombardo (V.)
- [lww] Longfellow (H.)
- [lgs] Longsdon (E.)
- [lgv] Longueville (R.)
- [lnq] Lönnqvist (B.)
- [lve] López (A.)
- [mmf] López (F.)
- [lpz] López (I.)
- [lmz] López (J.)
- [ltz] Lorentzen (B.)
- [lzm] Lorenz-Meyer (E.)
- [lza] Lorenzoni (A.)
- [lze] Lorenzoni (Le.)
- [lzu] Lorenzoni (Lu.)
- [lss] Lossing (B.)
- [lou] Louda (J.)
- [lry] Loughery (J.)
- [lgr] Loughran (J.)
- [lts] Loutsch (J.)
- [low] Löwe (H.)
- [lwi] Lowenstein (J.)
- [lye] Loye (D.)
- [loy] Loÿe (G.)
- [lzl] Lozano (C.)
- [lbb] Lübbe (H.)
- [lbg] Lübbing (H.)
- [lck] Lübcke (H.)
- [lcy] Lucy (G.)
- [ldv] Ludovici (P.)
- [lue] Luetić (J.)
- [lgi] Lugli (P.)
- [lgo] Lugo (R.)
- [dlu] Lugo (R.)
- [lkc] Lukânec (V.)
- [lke] Luketić (M.)
- [lke] Luketid̂ (M.)
- [luk] Lukman (N.)
- [lks] Lukša (A.)
- [lah] Lund (A.)
- [lca] Lund (C.)
- [led] Lund (E.)
- [lun] Lund (H.)
- [mlu] Lund (J.)
- [lde] Lunde (P.)
- [lug] Lundesgaard (L.)
- [jhl] Lundh (J.)
- [ldq] Lundquist (N.)
- [lsd] Lunestad (J.)
- [lal] Lungiene (L.)
- [lus] Lunsingh (P.)
- [lup] Lupant (M.)
- [lpa] Luponi (A.)
- [luq] Luqui (J.)
- [lux] Lux-Wurm (P.)
- [lyk] Lye (K.)
- [lym] Lyman (J.)
- [lys] Lyster (J.)
- [lut] Lyuta (T.)
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